Manual ====== RandomIterator is a header-only library with no dependencies. So, it is only necessary to drop the ``random_iterator`` directory, which contains the library source code somewhere reachable to the compiler and include the `random_iterator/Stream.cpp`_ in the project code. All classes, functions and typedefs of the API are declared in the `namespace random_iterator`_. The primary object of RandomIterator's API is `random_iterator::Stream`_. These objects represent streams of pseudorandom numbers distributed according with the template parameter ``Distribution``, and generated by the algorithm speficied in ``Engine``. .. _random_iterator::Stream: .. _random_iterator/Stream.cpp: .. _namespace random_iterator: Suported Distribution --------------------- All statistical distrucions implemented in the C++ standard library are supported, as well as distrucions implemented elsewhere, following the same interface guide lines. Addicionally, the distrucions are required to be thread-safe. Example of suported distrucions: * ``std::uniform_int_distribution`` * ``std::uniform_real_distribution`` * ``std::bernoulli_distribution`` * ``std::binomial_distribution`` * ``std::negative_binomial_distribution`` * ``std::geometric_distribution`` * ``std::poisson_distribution`` * ``std::exponential_distribution`` * ``std::gamma_distribution`` * ``std::weibull_distribution`` * ``std::extreme_value_distribution`` * ``std::normal_distribution`` * ``std::lognormal_distribution`` * ``std::chi_squared_distribution`` * ``std::cauchy_distribution`` * ``std::fisher_f_distribution`` * ``std::student_t_distribution`` * ``std::discrete_distribution`` * ``std::piecewise_constant_distribution`` * ``std::piecewise_linear_distribution`` Detailed information on how on these distributions is available on the page `Pseudo-random number generation`_ .. _Pseudo-random number generation: Supported counter-based pseudorandom number generators (CBPRNGs) --------------------------------------------------------------- `random_iterator::Stream`_ class template can be instatiaded with the CBPRNGs : * `random_iterator::ars`_ * `random_iterator::philox`_ * `random_iterator::threefry`_ * `random_iterator::squares3_128`_ * `random_iterator::squares4_128`_ * `random_iterator::squares3_64`_ * `random_iterator::squares4_64`_ ``ars``, ``philox`` and ``threefry`` are implemented in `Random123: `_. ``squares3_128``, ``squares4_128``, ``random_iterator::squares3_64`` and ``random_iterator::squares4_64`` are natively implemented. .. _random_iterator::ars: .. _random_iterator::philox: .. _random_iterator::threefry: .. _random_iterator::squares3_128: .. _random_iterator::squares4_128: .. _random_iterator::squares3_64: .. _random_iterator::squares4_64: Exemplos -------- Sequential access ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: cpp :linenos: #include #include ... random_iterator::squares4_128 rng(0x548c9decbce65295); std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(0.0, 1.0); auto stream = random_iterator::make_stream( distribution, rng, 0 ); for(size_t i=0; i<10; ++i) std::cout << stream() << std::endl; Access using iterators ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: cpp :linenos: #include #include ... random_iterator::squares4_128 rng(0x548c9decbce65295); std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(0.0, 1.0); auto its = random_iterator::make_stream( distribution, rng, 0 ).begin(); for(size_t i=0; i<10; ++i) std::cout << *(its++) << std::endl; Access using range semantics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: cpp :linenos: #include #include ... random_iterator::squares4_128 rng(0x548c9decbce65295); std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(0.0, 1.0); auto stream = random_iterator::make_stream( distribution, rng, 0 ); size_t i=0; for(auto x: stream ) { std::cout << x << std::endl; if( ++i > 10) break; }